Saturday, September 25, 2010

Random Perth Wanderings

So, I arrived in Perth for a conference on behavioural ecology. The conference was great - incredibly informative and inspiring. Enough so that I didn't take many pictures. However, I did get a little exploring in while I was there. First up - Lorikeet. Or at least, I think that is what it is. I don't have a bird book - and somewhere along the way, I heard there were introduced lorikeets from Eastern Australia. However, we were just amazed to see a parrot in the street!

Next we wandered down by the Swan River. There, were the Swan Bell Towers. The Swan comes from the river that Perth is located on. The bells were given to the folks in W. Australia as part of a bicentennial celebration. More information at Wiki.

Last, we stopped f or a beer by the water, and there was a cormorant (I think ). Much more interesting than the Australian Football final that was going on! We couldn't quite understand why the pub was so crowded until we figured out the final was on!


  1. Yeah, that's a cormorant, although I think they call them "shags" down there, as in England...

  2. Yes, that's a rainbow lorikeet, just like in our photos from Oz!
    Check it out, and the video too (next pic):
