Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Magnetic Island

Having hopped the Pacific Ocean and being within a few hours of the Great Barrier Reef meant I had to ditch Sydney for a bit and head up to Queensland for a little diving. Before we hopped on the boat, we spent a few days on Magnetic Island, a short ferry ride from Townsville. Of course, Magnetic Island is known for their beaches and is a popular destination for backpackers and tourists alike. The scenery there was beautiful, and we lucked out as we had great weather while we were there. Only one or two downpours, and sunshine the rest of the time!

Of course, being the good biologist that I am, I found some nice critters to snap some photos of. I was determined to take a picture with a koala, and the place we found offered a nice little walk that took us past some cool turtles.

 Of course, there were kangaroos. Of course, I looked, and two joeys were boxing. Of course, as soon as I got my camera out, they stopped and absolutely refused to resume boxing. Thus, you will have to take my word for it and be satisfied with a picture of a mobile kangaroo's rump instead.
 In Oz, they call bats 'flying foxes.' It took me awhile to realize they were one and the same, but they are all over Australia and like to come out at dusk.
 And of course, some birds. The top is an osprey (or so I was told). I still haven't picked up an Aussie bird book yet. The next one is the burrow or nest of a kookaburra. Did you know kookaburras are the largest of the kingfishers? I didn't. The last is found all over Oz and can make a very loud call. Loud enough you can't sleep if you are camping outside! And another kookaburra.

 Some insect was digging a burrow or covering up something. Maybe it committed a crime and was trying to bury the evidence?
 I mentioned how I was determined to get my picture taken with a koala. For some bizarre reason, I felt nobody would believe I spent four months in Australia if I didn't have a picture of me and some cuddly marsupial. So, I met Barney the koala at a small sanctuary-like place on Magnetic Island. Not only did we get to cuddle koalas, but birds and reptiles, as well.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures koko! But i veto the osprey, it looks like a falcon of sorts, but not sure of the aussie variety! Great precision by the way!

    Genny xoxo
